GDD your general contractor in Tunisia

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GDD your general contractor in Tunisia , also known as general contractor, is a company or individual responsible for managing an entire construction or renovation project. The role of the general contractor in Tunisia is to oversee the entire process, from initial conception to final completion of the project. Typical responsibilities include

Design and planning: The general contractor in Tunisia may be involved in the initial design of the project, or collaborate with architects and engineers. He contributes to project planning by determining requirements, estimated costs, deadlines, etc.

Tenders: The general contractor in Tunisia is often responsible for soliciting bids from subcontractors and suppliers for the various phases of the project. He may negotiate contracts with these parties and engage them to carry out specific work.

Project management: The general contractor in Tunisia oversees the entire project to ensure that it remains on time, on budget and on specification. He coordinates the various teams and ensures that work proceeds according to plan.

Cost management: The general contractor in Tunisia is responsible for the financial management of the project. This includes estimating costs, negotiating contracts with subcontractors, managing costs throughout the project, etc.

Subcontractor coordination: The general contractor in Tunisia works with various specialized subcontractors such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters and so on. He coordinates their activities to ensure smooth project progress.

Compliance with standards and regulations: The general contractor in Tunisia ensures that all phases of the project comply with the standards and regulations in force in the region. This includes building codes, permits, and other legal requirements.

Communication with the customer: The general contractor in Tunisia communicates regularly with the client to keep informed of project progress, discuss potential problems and make joint decisions.

Hiring a general contractor in Tunisia can simplify the construction process by reducing the administrative workload on the customer and offering a more integrated approach to project delivery. However, choosing a competent general contractor in Tunisia is crucial to the success of the project.

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