To clean artificial grass

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To clean artificial grass, follow these simple steps:

Remove debris: Remove leaves, twigs and any other visible debris from the artificial grass surface. You can use a plastic rake or a soft-bristle sweeper for this task.

Vacuum or sweep: Use a hand-held vacuum cleaner or sweeper to remove dirt, dust and other small debris that may be embedded in the turf. Be sure to use tools with soft brushes to avoid damaging lawn fibers.

Wash with water: Use a garden hose to wash artificial grass with water. This will help remove residual dirt and refresh the lawn's appearance. If necessary, you can add a mild, non-abrasive soap to help loosen stains.

Use a special cleaner (optional): If artificial grass has stubborn stains, you can use a specific artificial grass cleaner. Make sure the product is designed for use on this type of surface, and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Brush the fibers: Use a soft bristle brush to brush the grass fibers in the opposite direction to their original inclination. This can help straighten strands that may have been flattened by use or pressure.

Rinse again: After cleaning, rinse artificial grass thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap or cleaner residue.

Allow to dry: Allow the artificial grass to dry completely before walking on it again or reusing it.

Avoid using harsh chemicals, such as bleach, as they may damage the grass fibers. If you have specific stains, check the artificial turf manufacturer's recommendations for suitable cleaning solutions. In general, regular maintenance will help keep your artificial grass clean and long-lasting.

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