Mobile partitions

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Movable partitions, also known as movable partitions, are flexible, modular elements used to divide room space into distinct zones. They are a practical solution for creating ephemeral spaces or reorganizing space as required. Here are the key points to remember about movable partitions:

Materials: movable partitions can be designed from a variety of materials, such as wood, glass, metal, plastic, or a combination of these. The choice of material often depends on the desired aesthetics, functionality and level of acoustic insulation.

Flexibility: Partitions are extremely versatile, as they can be arranged to provide open or enclosed spaces, as required. This versatility is particularly valuable in locations such as offices, conference centers, schools or shared spaces.

Mobility: movable partitions are designed to be moved with ease, offering great ease of use. Some are even equipped with castors, enabling rapid changes in space layout.

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