What is a mineral fiber false ceiling?

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A mineral fiber false ceiling, also known as an acoustic ceiling, is a ceiling covering designed to optimize the sound absorption of a space while offering a pleasing aesthetic. It is composed of panels made from mineral fibers such as rock wool or glass wool, combined with binders and other materials. Typical features of a mineral fiber false ceiling include:

1. Acoustic absorption: These ceilings reduce echo and improve room acoustics. They are ideal for conference rooms, theaters, classrooms and other areas where sound is important.

2. Thermal insulation: Some types of mineral fiber false ceilings offer thermal insulation to regulate the temperature in a space.

3-Variety of designs: Mineral fiber false ceilings offer a variety of patterns, textures and finishes to suit different architectural styles and aesthetics.

4-Suspended installation: It is commonly installed as a suspended ceiling, supported by a metal structure attached to the main ceiling.

5-Fire-resistant: Some mineral fiber panels feature fire-retardant properties, contributing to increased safety in public and commercial environments.

6-Lightweight: Despite its solid construction, the mineral fiber false ceiling is remarkably lightweight, making it easy to install and transport.

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