An antibacterial floor

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An antibacterial floor is designed to reduce the presence of bacteria and micro-organisms on its surface. These floor coverings aim to provide a more hygienic environment, which can be particularly important in health-sensitive areas such as hospitals, commercial kitchens, laboratories or other spaces requiring high standards of cleanliness.

Here are some commonly used types of antibacterial flooring:

Antibacterial vinyl: Vinyl flooring can be treated with antibacterial agents to inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Antibacterial linoleum: Linoleum, made from natural materials such as linseed oil, wood flour and resin, can also be treated for antibacterial properties.

Ceramic or porcelain tiles: These types of tiles can be manufactured with antibacterial or antimicrobial treatments.

Antibacterial carpet: Some types of carpet are designed with fibers treated to resist bacterial growth.

Antibacterial rubber flooring: Rubber is a durable material that can also be treated to have antibacterial properties.

When selecting an antibacterial floor, it's important to take into account the level of activity, the type of cleaning required and the specific health standards of the environment in which it will be installed. In addition, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance to maintain the floor covering's antibacterial effectiveness.

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