The false ceiling

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A suspended ceiling, also known as a false ceiling or secondary ceiling, is a structure installed below the main ceiling of a room. It is generally composed of lightweight panels suspended from a metal or wooden framework. False ceilings are used in buildings for aesthetic, functional and technical purposes. Here are some common reasons for installing false ceilings:

- Aesthetics: False ceilings can improve the appearance of a room by concealing cables, pipes and other unattractive elements. They also offer the possibility of integrating recessed lighting fixtures for discreet illumination.

- Acoustic insulation: False ceilings can help improve acoustic insulation by absorbing noise and reducing echoes in a room.

- Temperature control: Adding a layer of thermal insulation above the false ceiling can help regulate room temperature by reducing heat loss or preventing overheating.

- Easy access: False ceilings offer easy access to electrical installations, air ducts, ventilation systems and other equipment that may require maintenance or repair.

- Energy savings: By improving the energy efficiency of a space, false ceilings can help reduce energy consumption, especially if they incorporate LED lighting systems or other energy-efficient technologies.

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