How to maintain a false ceiling

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The maintenance of a false ceiling depends on the material used. Here is a general guide to the maintenance of different types of false ceilings:

Regular cleaning:

Remove dust regularly by using a vacuum cleaner fitted with a soft brush, or by running a clean cloth over the surface.

PVC false ceilings:

Clean with a damp cloth or sponge and mild detergent.

Avoid aggressive cleaners that could damage the PV

Mineral fiber or mineral wool ceilings:

Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush to remove dust.

For stains, clean gently with a damp cloth and mild detergent.

Moisture prevention:

Avoid excessive moisture, as it can cause damage, especially to plaster ceilings and fiber-based materials.

Check fasteners:

Periodically, check that false ceiling fixings are secure and that there are no signs of structural damage.

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