Choosing a PVC floor

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Choosing a PVC floor depends on a number of factors, including your aesthetic preferences, the level of traffic in the area where it will be installed, budget and specific room requirements. Here are a few tips to help you choose a PVC floor:

Style and appearance:

Choose a design that complements the style of your space. PVC floors are available in a variety of patterns, colors and imitations, including reproductions of wood, stone, tile and other materials.

Traffic level:

Determine the traffic level in the area where PVC flooring will be installed. Some PVC flooring is designed to withstand heavy traffic, while others are better suited to areas with light to moderate traffic.

Thickness and quality:

Choose an appropriate thickness according to the intended use. Thicker PVC floors are generally more durable. Also check the overall quality of the product.

Water resistance:

If the floor will be installed in an area prone to moisture, such as a bathroom or kitchen, make sure it is water-resistant to avoid long-term damage.

Ease of installation:

Some PVC floors are designed for easy installation with a clip system, while others may require the application of glue. Consider the level of experience you have with flooring installatio


Think easy care. PVC floors are generally easy to clean, but some models may require special care.

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